Borduurstof - Aida 54 - 14 count - 40 x 50 cm - white

Article number: 340-AIDA-14
Availability: In stock (2)
Delivery time: 1 - 2 days

Aida embroidery fabric is a handicraft fabric in which bunches of threads are woven. This makes the holes into which the embroidery needle must be inserted very clearly visible.

Aïda embroidery fabrics are very suitable for beginners and for those with reduced vision.

The Restyle aida craft fabrics have been slightly treated with starch to make embroidery easier. The fabric is a bit stiffer, making the holes easier to see and the needle sliding through the fabric more easily. The starch disappears after the project is washed.

  • 14 count Aida = 5.4 crosses per cm.
  • 40 x 50 cm
  • white
  • including embroidery floss holder
  • including needle
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